Italian Transhumanist Manifesto

The Italian Transhumanist Manifesto is a statement of strategic vision adopted by the Italian Transhumanist Association.[1]

We, the transhumanists, have had a clear and ambitious goal since the establishment of the Italian Transhumanist Association: creating in our country the conditions for a moral and intellectual revolution with a promethean orientation, a revolution capable of producing radical changes in both our everyday world and our cultural landscape.

— Italian Transhumanist Manifesto

Key issues include:


  1. Campa, Riccardo (July 29, 2008). "Italian Transhumanist Manifesto". Instititute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies. "IEET Fellow Riccardo Campa, helped by IEET Board member Giulio Prisco and others, has crafted this very interesting statement of a transhumanist vision and strategic point of view, which has been endorsed and adopted by the Italian Transhumanist Association (AIT)."