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Выдача результата поиска по индексу 28012456

PMID- 28012456
DCOM- 20171221
LR  - 20190108
IS  - 1532-3102 (Electronic)
IS  - 0143-4004 (Linking)
VI  - 49
DP  - 2017 Jan
TI  - Comparative phenotypic transcriptional characterization of human full-term 
      placenta-derived mesenchymal stromal cells compared to bone marrow-derived 
      mesenchymal stromal cells after differentiation in myogenic medium.
PG  - 64-67
LID - S0143-4004(16)30636-1 [pii]
LID - 10.1016/j.placenta.2016.11.007 [doi]
AB  - Placenta-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (pMSCs) are a very attractive source of 
      MSCs. In this short report we evaluated the expression of phenotypic markers from 
      fetal and maternal pMSCs after exposure to myogenic medium commonly used to 
      differentiate bone marrow MSCs (bmMSCs) to smooth muscle-like cells (SMCs). In order 
      to reveal differences between these different MSC sources, cells were expanded and 
      differentiated to elucidate whether this differentiation protocol facilitated 
      efficient differentiation of SMCs from human pMSCs. We report that TGF-β1, PDGF and 
      ascorbic acid is not sufficient to produce SMCs from pMSCs.
CI  - Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
FAU - Hart, Melanie L
AU  - Hart ML
AD  - University of Freiburg, Department of Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery, Germany; 
      Clinical Research Group KFO 273, Department of Urology, University of Tübingen, 
      Germany. Electronic address:
FAU - Kaupp, Marvin
AU  - Kaupp M
AD  - Clinical Research Group KFO 273, Department of Urology, University of Tübingen, 
FAU - Brun, Juliane
AU  - Brun J
AD  - Clinical Research Group KFO 273, Department of Urology, University of Tübingen, 
FAU - Aicher, Wilhelm K
AU  - Aicher WK
AD  - Clinical Research Group KFO 273, Department of Urology, University of Tübingen, 
LA  - eng
PT  - Journal Article
DEP - 20161116
PL  - Netherlands
TA  - Placenta
JT  - Placenta
JID - 8006349
RN  - 0 (Culture Media)
SB  - IM
MH  - Bone Marrow Cells/cytology/*metabolism
MH  - Cell Differentiation/*physiology
MH  - Culture Media
MH  - Female
MH  - Humans
MH  - Mesenchymal Stem Cells/cytology/*metabolism
MH  - Muscle Development/*physiology
MH  - Placenta/cytology/*metabolism
MH  - Pregnancy
MH  - Transcription, Genetic
OT  - *Bone marrow
OT  - *Fetal
OT  - *Maternal
OT  - *Mesenchymal stromal cells
OT  - *Myogenic differentiation
OT  - *Placenta
OT  - *Smooth muscle
EDAT- 2016/12/26 06:00
MHDA- 2017/12/22 06:00
CRDT- 2016/12/26 06:00
PHST- 2016/07/21 00:00 [received]
PHST- 2016/10/25 00:00 [revised]
PHST- 2016/11/15 00:00 [accepted]
PHST- 2016/12/26 06:00 [entrez]
PHST- 2016/12/26 06:00 [pubmed]
PHST- 2017/12/22 06:00 [medline]
AID - S0143-4004(16)30636-1 [pii]
AID - 10.1016/j.placenta.2016.11.007 [doi]
PST - ppublish
SO  - Placenta. 2017 Jan;49:64-67. doi: 10.1016/j.placenta.2016.11.007. Epub 2016 Nov 16.

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