Designer Evolution: A Transhumanist Manifesto

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First Published in 2005 by Prometheus Books

Designer Evolution: A Transhumanist Manifesto is a book by Simon Young.

Forewords by Dr. Aubrey de Grey (Department of Genetics, University of Cambridge) and Robert A. Freitas Jr. (Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Molecular Manufacturing).

"In Designer Evolution Simon Young presents a polemical espousal of transhumanist philosophy and a trenchant attack on its critics, the "Bio-Luddites." The author calls for a rejection of premodern superstition and postmodern nihilism in favor of a renewed belief in human progress through scientific rationality. In an age when cynicism, fatalism, and nihilism are rife, Designer Evolution will rekindle a feeling of optimism about the future of our species. This is a concise, reader-friendly introduction to a vitally important philosophy that will become difficult to ignore as advances in biotechnology increasingly claim the headlines in the coming decades."- From the book summary at[1]

Simon Young is also an English composer-pianist of Romantic Minimalism and Technoromanticism. "Hugely talented both as a pianist and a creative force." -David Charles Abell, U.S conductor[2]

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