On processors and thought processes

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First Published in 2009 by Wydawnictwo Naukowe Umk

On processors and thought processes is a Polish book by Max Urchs. Originally named O procesorach i procesach myslowych.

"Suggestive examples and subtle stories from the history of science. The author makes difficult to understand cognitive science results become understandable and intriguing. For this reason, the book will also find readers outside the circle of professionals and students. It has great popularizing values. At the same time, however, it can serve as an academic textbook for more and more students of cognitive science in Poland and psychology." - From the book summary at Amazon.com[1]

Telewizja ANB - February 2017

Professor Max Urchs - lecture. Producer of the TVANB 2012 film. All copyrights belong to the Independent Television ANB in ​​short TVANB (copyright)[2]

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