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Exonuclease 1 (EC 3.1.-.-) (hExo1) (Exonuclease I) (hExoI) [EXOI] [HEX1]


Polymorphisms of the DNA repair gene EXO1 modulate cognitive aging in old adults in a Taiwanese population.

Exonuclease 1 and its versatile roles in DNA repair.

Association analyses of insulin signaling pathway gene polymorphisms with healthy aging and longevity in Americans of Japanese ancestry.

A functional EXO1 promoter variant is associated with prolonged life expectancy in centenarians.

Exonuclease-1 deletion impairs DNA damage signaling and prolongs lifespan of telomere-dysfunctional mice.

EXO1 plays a role in generating type I and type II survivors in budding yeast.