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Decorin precursor (Bone proteoglycan II) (PG-S2) (PG40) [SLRR1B]


Decorin inhibits the insulin-like growth factor I signaling in bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells of aged humans.

Classification of neurons in the adult mouse cochlear nucleus: Linear discriminant analysis.

The beneficial effects of 15 units of high-intensity circuit training in women is modified by age, baseline insulin resistance and physical capacity.

MicroRNA-143-5p targeting eEF2 gene mediates intervertebral disc degeneration through the AMPK signaling pathway.

Does Age Interfere With Gadolinium Toxicity and Presence in Brain and Bone Tissues?: A Comparative Gadoterate Versus Gadodiamide Study in Juvenile and Adult Rats.

Extracellular proteoglycan decorin maintains human hair follicle stem cells.

Synaptic Specializations Support Frequency-Independent Purkinje Cell Output from the Cerebellar Cortex.

The aging human cochlear nucleus: Changes in the glial fibrillary acidic protein, intracellular calcium regulatory proteins, GABA neurotransmitter and cholinergic receptor.