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Death-associated protein 1 (DAP-1) [DAP1]


Examining changes in the equity of physician distribution in Japan: a specialty-specific longitudinal study.

Evaluation of organ and effective doses during paediatric barium meal examinations using PCXMC 2.0 Monte Carlo code.

Relationship between identity and attitude toward death in Japanese senior citizens.

Flufenamic acid modulates multiple currents in gonadotropin-releasing hormone neurons.

Developmental changes in the germinability, desiccation tolerance, hardseededness, and longevity of individual seeds of Trifolium ambiguum.

MTHFR 677T carrier influences the methylation status of H. pylori-infected gastric mucosa in older subjects.

Effects of dog-appeasing pheromones on anxiety and fear in puppies during training and on long-term socialization.

Effects of sleeping position on development of infant cardiovascular control.

[Analysis of arterial hypertension and work in the epidemiologic study "Aging, Health and Work"].

Aging of phrenic nerve conduction in the elderly.

Cognitive deficits in aged rats correlate with levels of L-arginine, not with nNOS expression or 3,4-DAP-evoked transmitter release in the frontoparietal cortex.

Survival of egg-laying controlling neuroendocrine cells during reproductive senescence of a mollusc.

Promoter methylation status of tumor suppressor and tumor-related genes in neoplastic and non-neoplastic gastric epithelia.

3,4-DAP-evoked transmitter release in hippocampal slices of aged rats with impaired memory.

Aberrant CpG island hypermethylation of chronic gastritis, in relation to aging, gender, intestinal metaplasia, and chronic inflammation.

A decision between life and death during TNF-alpha-induced signaling.

Empirical estimates of mean aortic pressure: advantages, drawbacks and implications for pressure redundancy.

Electrophysiologic and inotropic effects of K -channel blockade in aged diaphragm.

Behaviors and nutritional importance of coprophagy in captive adult and young nutrias (Myocastor coypus).

Molecular cloning and developmental expression of a rat homologue of death-associated protein kinase in the nervous system.

Body image in adulthood: a projective approach.

Camerano study on hypertension: the problem of blood pressure variability during medical visit.

Contribution of the low-threshold T-type calcium current in generating the post-spike depolarizing afterpotential in dentate granule neurons of immature rats.

Immunohistochemical localization of dipeptidyl aminopeptidase (DAP) IV in the rat submandibular gland during postnatal development.

Tetrahydroaminoacridine, 3,4 diaminopyridine and physostigmine: direct comparison of effects on memory in aged primates.

Afterpotential characteristics and firing patterns in maturing rat hippocampal CA1 neurones in in vitro slices.