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Complement receptor type 2 precursor (Cr2) (Complement C3d receptor) (Epstein-Barr virus receptor) (EBV receptor) (CD21 antigen) [C3DR]


Age-related but not longevity-related genes are found by weighted gene co-expression network analysis in the peripheral blood cells of humans.

Defective B cell ontogeny and humoral immune response in mice prematurely expressing human complement receptor 2 (CR2, CD21) is similar to that seen in aging wild type mice.

Age-related decrease in aromatase and estrogen receptor (ERalpha and ERbeta) expression in rat testes: protective effect of low caloric diets.

The effect of caloric restriction on lipofuscin accumulation in mouse brain with age.

Expression and functional characteristics of the complement receptor type 2 on adult and neonatal B lymphocytes.