Transhumanist Party Virtual

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Версия от 14:22, 15 января 2023; Rodion (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «'''Transhumanist Party Virtual''' is a virtual political party currently chaired by Mark Larkento. At present, it focuses primarily on online activities and projects and is affiliated with Transhumanist Party Global. Transhumanist Party Virtual is open to all sapients, corporeal, digital, and virtual. <blockquote>'''Transhumanist Declaration Virtual''' Transhumanism Virtual is the viewpoint that sapient society, corporeal, digital, and virtual sho...»)
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Transhumanist Party Virtual is a virtual political party currently chaired by Mark Larkento.

At present, it focuses primarily on online activities and projects and is affiliated with Transhumanist Party Global. Transhumanist Party Virtual is open to all sapients, corporeal, digital, and virtual.

Transhumanist Declaration Virtual

Transhumanism Virtual is the viewpoint that sapient society, corporeal, digital, and virtual should embrace, wisely, thoughtfully, and compassionately, the radical transformational potential of technology.

The Transhumanist Party Virtual calls for:

External links[править]