Редактирование: Aging genes

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The list of publication titles, grouped by gene name. Each publication would probably describe how the named gene regulates the aging process. Publication titles are taken from Medline database (aka PubMed)
The list of publication titles, grouped by gene name. Each publication would probably describe how the named gene regulates the aging process.
Publication titles are taken from Medline database (aka PubMed).

* [[Aging genes 10‎‎|Genes with 10 and more publications]]
* [[Aging genes 300‎‎|Genes with 300 and more publications]]
* [[Aging genes 200-299‎‎|Genes with 200-299 publications]]
* [[Aging genes 100-199‎‎|Genes with 100-199 publications]]
* [[Aging genes 90-99‎‎|Genes with 90-99 publications]]
* [[Aging genes 80-89‎‎|Genes with 80-89 publications]]
* [[Aging genes 70-79‎‎|Genes with 70-79 publications]]
* [[Aging genes 60-69‎‎|Genes with 60-69 publications]]
* [[Aging genes 50-59‎‎|Genes with 50-59 publications]]
* [[Aging genes 40-49‎‎|Genes with 40-49 publications]]
* [[Aging genes 30-39‎‎|Genes with 30-39 publications]]
* [[Aging genes 20-29‎‎|Genes with 20-29 publications]]
* [[Aging genes 10-19‎‎|Genes with 10-19 publications]]
* [[Aging genes 5-9‎‎|Genes with 5-9 publications]]
* [[Aging genes 5-9‎‎|Genes with 5-9 publications]]
* [[Aging genes 3-4‎‎|Genes with 3-4 publications]]
* [[Aging genes 1-4‎‎|Genes with 1-4 publications]]
* [[Aging genes 1-2‎‎|Genes with 1-2 publications]]
* [[Aging_genes_A-Z_table]]
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