Обсуждение:History of transhumanism

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Politics in transhumanism?

I wonder how much do we need to concentrate on political ideology in chronological records? Does anyone really need to know more about J. B. S. Haldane being a marxist, not someone who tinkered with biology and genetics, popularization and philosophy of science? Do we know the sort of politics Haldane was tinkering with to provide actual info on the matter?

--Experimentalist (обсуждение) 12:50, 22 апреля 2021 (MSK)

What is "yuck factor" and how it helps to understand transhumanism?

Random things like that turn text into a rabbit hole. Elaboration will help, imo.

--Experimentalist (обсуждение) 13:02, 22 апреля 2021 (MSK)